The Lisbon Earthquake from 1755 is widely described in non-fiction, paintings and poetry.
Unless you have experienced an Earthquake yourself or have a vivid imagination it can be hard to imagine how it must have been to be around when it happened.
If you prefer other media than the written ones and/or you find traditional museums boring this podcast The Conversation may be something for you. They Covid to create their Recovery Serie where they explore key moments in history when the world recovered from a major crisis or shock.
This #2 episode is about what happened after the earthquake, tsunami and fires that devastated Lisbon in 1755 and shocked Europe.
It must be hard to imagine how it is to be caught in an earthquake. We know – we had the traumatic experience in Kathmandu in 2015 – and that was bad.
So to better understand how big the project of bringing Lisbon back to life was listen after you see this amazing 3D animated video of the disaster from Assasin’s Creed