Are you planning to discover Portugal by car?
25 years years ago José Saramago traveller writer received his Nobel Prize in Literature.
El País used the occasion to feature Portugal as a travel-by-car destination based on Saramango’s Journey to Portugal.
We have been cruising by car to all corners of Portugal for more than 30 years. Still we manage to find small pieces of Paradise just “behind” places we thought we knew well. Together with the cournty’s short distances these hidden surprices are what make Portugal is Europe’s best car destination.
Today travelling by car is kind of provoking.
But we still love going around by car.
Especially in Portugal where a car is a MUST if you want to see the creme-de-la-creme of what this beautiful country offers.
And don’t mind telling people where we have been, what we like and what we don’t like.
From Chaves to Faro, a route of authentic country and authentic gastronomy.
Although its 737 kilometers allow you to cover the road in one day, it would be a waste. EN2 is for savoring. The goal is not to arrive.