I don’t know why – but yesterday I happened to fall upon the Tortilla recipe in Toronto Life: My tortilla is much better – was the first thought that hit.
That’s not true – there are as many ways to make tortillas as Spanish Mamas in the kitchens around the world.
Mine is different.
It’s a mash-up from hundreds of tortillas all over Spain since my first travels there as a kid back in the 60s and at least the same number of recipes. I just love a good tortilla.
In 2011 we opened Tings Tea Lounge in Kathmandu. After almost 10 years it’s still one of the most successful restaurants in its category. In 2021 we will start up Tings Tea Lounge here in Lisbon.
So I use the situation to work on the menu – I just play with food in the kitchen everyday. Since our guests here in Lisbon are the same as those who stays with us here in Kathmandu we will of course have the most popular menu items when we open in Graca. Like Tings Tortilla which I made a few days ago for lunch.
So why not use the coincidence and share my recipe.
It’s fast and easy to make. No matter where you live you can get the ingredients just around the corner… cheap. And by using best ingredients available you have one of the best dishes in the world.
Hope you like it.
Don’t let the turning-the-tortilla-around frighten you.
Just take a few precautions – mostly not to mess up the kitchen if something goes wrong.
See how easy it is